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October 21st

By Sunday, October 24th, please submit your Research Question and Justification on the website. You can respond to this post or attach a google doc.

Here is a copy of my model for reference.


  1. a) My research question is how can I help the selective mute student learn multiplication through grouping.
    b) This question is important to me because this student is struggling with staying caught up with the teacher as she speaks. He needs one-to-one assistance and different strategies to help him with grouping and making connections with grouping numbers and knowing they are multiples. Since he does not speak, it is hard to assess the progress. The way I would collect the data for this research question will be by using the one-to-one approach after the teacher is done giving instruction and modeling. I will sit with this student and see what he needs help with and figure out strategies to help him.
    c)I am going to see what insight my classmates give me on helping my student. I will also try to find some external sources which can help me find some techniques that can help me figure out a way to help this student.
    d) The data that I will collect throughout this research will be taking notes on how this student approaches the problem and if he is getting the correct answer. I will assess by asking questions and having him give me a thumbs up or down, he can also point to an answer, and he can show me a number using his fingers. He also needs to be able to compose a word problem for multiplication.

  2. My research question is how can I help my lower-level students to have a better understanding of word problems and solve the multiplication in word problems. I am concerning about this question because I have notice most of the students have difficulty in understand the word problems when they are too many sentences, and also confusing the number they need to use to solve the questions.

    I will collect data by observe a few students. I might look for information to create an intervention from my classmate, professor, textbook and my cooperating teacher, also from some research online so it is more comprehensive.
    Besides that, I will be providing some formative assessments to collect data from the students, and get the data from the summative assessments that given by the cooperating teacher as well. The formative assessments will be some worksheet with some word problems with multiplications.

  3. My research question is how can I help my English language learners solve addition and subtraction word problems. I chose this question because my classroom is full of students that speak English as a second language and two students who recently came to the United States from Spanish speaking countries. These two students struggle greatly in math specifically when it comes down to word problems they have a lot of difficulty deciphering what the problem is asking. They also struggle with the basic math addition and subtraction skills. This is important to me because I want all of my students to be on fourth grade level math and understand the core math skills. As someone who speaks Spanish, I can imagine the difficulty my students face.
    I want to help students develop stronger reading comprehension that way it can help them understand the word problems better. I also want to show the two students that there are multiple ways they can use manipulatives to solve problems. I will look for research papers that have conducted studies that are similar to mine and try their methods. I will provide a pretest as a way to collect baseline data, during the intervention students will be given short quizzes to access if they are understanding what they’re learning and at the end a final post test that will determine if my method is effective.

  4. a.) My research question is, how can I reach the needs of Spanish speaking students in my classroom?
    b.) This question is important to me because in my student teaching classroom I see the Spanish speaking students struggling to do assignments and apply what the teacher taught on their own. Although I don’t speak Spanish, I want to find a way to reach their needs like I do with all the other students in my classroom.
    c.) I intend to work with the Spanish speaking students one on one and use math manipulatives to allow for them to understand math content better than they have in the past. I can also look at data and other research papers to see what other teachers do to reach these specific students needs, and to see what works and what doesn’t work.
    d.) To collect data I would take an assignment that the students did on their own prior to my one on one instruction, and then take an assignment from after my one on one instruction and compare how they go about solving math problems.

  5. My research question is how I can improve a student’s skill in multiplication so that they can solve equations and word problems. I chose this research question because I noticed quite a few students in my classroom are struggling with multiplication and I feel that because of the pandemic, they’ve fallen behind in knowing their multiplication tables. If they don’t know their multiplication, I’m wondering how they are going to keep moving forward with future math lessons without struggling in that area. The data will be collected on the days I’m student teaching. I would like to focus on a small group of students that I know are struggling and work with them using different strategies to improve their multiplication skills and application.
    My data collection will be from articles I can find based on the research question (if possible), videos on how to improve multiplication skills, and materials that I can use to help them improve on their multiplication.
    To know if my plan resulted in change, I would have formative assessments. I’ll have the students do fast multiplication worksheets and word problems throughout the semester. They will also have work done from future lessons that will require them to know multiplication. So, the strategies I use to work with them will be applied to work their during in the classroom with their general teacher.

  6. 1-my research question Is how can I help my lower level students understand math better?
    2-I think this is important because some of my students are struggling and it is important that they understand the basics so they can reach their full potential. I want them to feel good in math and excel. I will collect my data from a small group.
    3-I will be looking at math resources such as books, articles, teachers, YouTube videos etc…
    4-To collect my data I will look at the the previous assessments, I-ready math diagnostic score, and have informative assessments during the end of the week to see how they are doing.

  7. A) My research question is how can I best help students understand how to solve addition and subtraction equations using word problems.
    B) i chose this question to do my research on because in the class that I am student teaching, I’ve noticed that many kids struggle with this topic. It is also important to be able to know to identify if a word problem is addition or subtraction because it is something that is used in everyday life. Therefore students will be able to understand how to solve a word problem and write an equation but also identify whether it is adding or subtracting.
    C) I will look up videos on how to help students understand math problems better and find new ways to help them distinguish between adding and subtracting. I will also ask my cooperating teacher on ways that I can help the students understand it better.
    D) I wil conduct my intervention by seeing how my students are working and solving certain math word problems, then assess them later on to see if they understand it better and can distinguish between adding and subtracting.

  8. My research question is: How can I support English Language Learners in understanding word problems?
    I think this is important because in my observation, there has been an increase of ELL students who are new to the country and therefore, have limited English proficiency. In my classroom, there are three ELL students that are recently new to the country. They also have limited social language as well. Therefore, I would like to seek strategies ELL students can use so they do not fall behind in the curriculum. This would be beneficial both for the students and myself as I will be learning to help teach future ELL students.
    I will be using research and resources such as observations, research papers, the textbook, Professor Sugarman’s lectures, explaining vocabulary words, my cooperating teacher, 2nd grade Envision curriculum, manipulatives, and videos.
    Before the intervention, I will conduct my assessment by observing them, look at their test scores and baseline assessment. During the intervention, and after the intervention, I would collect data by giving the student a brief assessment, which will help me determine if they are using the strategies I’ve taught them and I can determine if they were useful. If my cooperating teacher permits, I can work with them as a small group while the teacher teaches the class

  9. My research question is how can I best support teaching math to emergent bilingual students. I have chosen this research question because the majority of the students in my classroom are bilingual with English as their second language. These students struggle in math specifically adding since this is the topic they are still in which is a basic and important skill that needs to be learned before moving on.

    I will be focusing on strategies that will help them become more confident in adding. These strategies can include using manipulatives (unifix cubes, ten frames, counters..etc). Another strategy will be creating vocabulary banks. These will contain math vocabulary words that they need to know for addition (sum, addends, addition sentence, add, equal).

    I will look for information on the internet and also ask my cooperating teacher. I will also do observations from students who are bilingual in the classroom.

  10. My research question is how I can best support my English language learner students in understanding how to solve addition and subtraction equations and word problems. I have chosen this research question because many of the students in my classroom are bilingual with English being their second language. These students have been struggling with solving math equations and word problems involving addition and subtraction. This is a very important skill that needs to be learned before moving onto future lesson, that is why I want to implement strategies to help the students and to make sure they don’t fall behind in the curriculum.

    I intend on providing alternative methods that the students can use to support their learning and understanding of the math material. To help the ELL students solve math equations and word problems I will introduce different manipulatives they can use such as a math counters, unifix cubes, etc. I will also provide context strategies to help the students when reading word problems. These strategies will help them look out for certain vocabulary words that will help them in determining if they need to use addition or subtraction when solving the problem. I will look for information on this topic by reading research papers that conducted a similar study as me. I will also use any information found in my math textbook or any articles that I find pertaining to this topic that can be useful in assisting me in my study. I would collect data by providing a short assessment to the student during baseline, during the intervention and after the intervention. I will also provide a survey at the end of the intervention, asking the students if they think these strategies were helpful in solving math problems. As well as if they are more likely to use these strategies again when solving future addition and subtraction problems.

  11. a) My research question is how to help my student become a better problem solver. (I will be focused on one student from my class)
    b) I think this is important because, from my observation, I noticed that students often either understand the concept right away or struggle a lot. I can tell that the students who struggle a lot often felt they are left behind because they can’t finish their works independently. In this case, they will be very upset and depressed, maybe even feel not confident in mathematics. As a teacher, we want students to feel special about themselves, but we don’t want students to feel that there is a big gap between themselves and other classmates in learning abilities.
    c)I will be searching online articles that may help me to know some useful strategies of how to improve problem-solving skills and I will also ask my cooperating teacher as well as my professors.
    d)before I do the intervention, I will check the student’s Diagnosis from i-ready, he might also have some formative assessments like the interviews or observation from me to see his level and his struggles when solving the problems. After that, I will help him by using some useful strategies and to see if his struggles still exist or not.

  12. My research question is how can I best support student X in transitioning from counting on their fingers to using models. Student X is a new student in my class. She is new to the school and to the country, recently moving from El Salvador. She speaks only Spanish. In my initial assessments to see her math abilities, she struggled with addition; When the problems were numbered she would add that to her final answer; If there was a blank n the question like 5+_=10, she would add the numbers she saw and did not recognize equations or the value of the equal sign. Similarly, when given a subtraction worksheet, she added instead of subtracted leading me to believe she does not understand subtracting. Through formative assessments, I watched her count on her fingers and be off by 1 in her answers. I attempted to use manipulatives to help her but she prefers relying on her fingers which gives unreliable results. My goal is to have this student use manipulatives for basic addition facts and decomposing numbers. This question is important to me because I have another ELL student who barely understands English and learning ways to help both students transition to using models and showing their work will assist me in teaching other ELL students.

    My data collection will be from formative assessments from one-on-one group work with the student. My cooperating teacher engages the class in the math lesson and I take the ELL students aside and work with them. I am still trying to decipher their current ability levels and work off that. I will continue pre-assessing the student prior to beginning the intervention. The data I will collect will range from how many questions she gets correct, how often she uses her fingers, how often she uses manipulatives, and taking note of any other strategies used. These will all be categorized as formative assessments and a summative assessment might be giving a quiz or having her complete a set of addition problems on her own and grading her understanding. The data will be collected throughout the intervention and organized through charts and graphs. Hopefully, with the intervention, the data will show an inverse relationship as the frequency of times she counts on her fingers decreases while her reliance on manipulatives increases over time.
    I will gather information for my intervention from the textbook, Professor Sugarman, my cooperating teacher, NYS Common Core standards, 1st grade envision curriculum, and my 360 seminar professor.

  13. My research question is how can we improve a student’s performance in math when they have been remote since the pandemic. While student teaching these past couple of weeks I noticed that many students are confused or falling behind in the math class. Many of them have not been in an in-person class since the pandemic first started which could be one cause of this. Therefore, this question is important for me and many other teachers because we need to find a way to help those struggling students so they could move forward.
    I will look for information regarding this topic via research papers, articles, and even videos on new ways to improve learning after a pandemic. I might also ask other teachers how they are dealing with this dilemma. I will conduct my assessment by first getting a brief overview of how one or two of my students are doing in math. Later on, I would try and implement some of the new strategies I found, and after I will compare how they are doing after the strategies were implemented.

  14. I will be working with Caralyn, Michelle, Ashley, and Muniba.
    a) Our research question is how does placement impact the different kinds of learners in the classroom? (students with IEP’s, English Language Learners, etc.)
    b) This question is important to us because it is very relevant in the classroom today. There are students on different levels and we think it is important to incorporate every student no matter what their challenges are. They all deserve to learn in the way that best suits them. Each of us will choose one student from our cooperating classrooms and create an intervention that could help the student learn based on their needs.
    c) We will look at different research papers that have used a similar question, possibly different education textbooks to figure out how these students learn best, and possibly a behavior change psychology material to see how to implement the intervention safely and effectively.
    d) Some of the assessments will be conducted prior to the intervention, during the intervention, and after the intervention to determine whether the intervention really worked.

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